“Eldur” Green Dragon (Foil armature, clay, paper mache, acrylic paint) 

*Scholastic Art & Writing Gold Key Award*

“Eldur” featured new techniques, new features, and new materials. I made improvements from the previous dragon both sculpture and methods. When making this dragon, I freed myself even further from the limitations of foil sculpting. As a result, I was able to make a far more expressive face and a body that looks like it is in motion. I felt like I was breathing more life into these sculptures than I could before.


Tundra Dragon (Foil armature, clay, paper mache, acrylic paint) 

*Scholastic Art & Writing Gold Key Award*

“The Tundra Dragon” is an effort to create an even bigger sculpture with a different type of dragon and even more evolved techniques, including the use of clay scales. Even though they do not show, each of my creations has bones and a heart created from foil, a reminder of the origins of their creative evolution.

Black Dragon Puppet (foil, paper mache, acrylic paint) 

The large puppet was created for a Chandler Prep play. It was made from foil and paper mache and featured a full skeleton and hinged jaws.  Watch the video below to see the dragon puppet in action! 

A view of Sam's creations